Although not my direct ancestor, my 4th great granduncle Robert Hill (1790-1867) owned a Bible similar to his mother, my 5th great-grandmother Anne Hill (1762-1835; Baldwin line). The location of this Bible is not known; these copies were sent to me by Susan Hill Husij, 3410 E. Dry Creek Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85044 (2007). Images of the Bible are shown below with a transcription following. Information in brackets [ ] has been added for clarification.
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Page 677 - Marriages | Page 678 - Births |
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Page 679 - Births / Deaths | Page 680 - Deaths |
Family Record - Marriages (page 677)
- Robert Hill was married to Nancy Patton on November 26th 1812
- Mary Ann Hill daughter of Robert and Nancy Hill was married to Samuel S. Rolston June 5th 1838
- John B. Hill son of Robert and Nancy Hill was married to Mary Jane McMurry February 1st 1844
- Jane Hill daughter of Robert and Nancy Hill was married to James L. Adkins February 10th 1847
- Loueza N. P. Hill daughter of Robert and Nancy Hill was married to Robert T. Foster Decr 23rd 1847
- Margaret L. Hill daughter of Robert and Nancy Hill was married to Charles S. Dickson February 1st 1849 born ______ 1819 - Died _____ 1854 [writing faint and illegible]
- Robert I. Hill son of Robert and Nancy Hill was married to Clarisa Harbin 2nd December 1852 - Died Aug 30 1890 at Ori_____ Miss.
- William Hill son of Robert & Nancy Hill was married to Martha McWilliams on the 18th of August 1857
- Adam T. G. Hill son of Robert & Nancy Hill was married to Sarah Ema Powell on the 9th day of June 1858
- George P. Hill son of Robert & Nancy Hill was married to Lui [or Lue] Martin June 26th 1866
- Sarah A. Hill daughter of Robert & Nancy Hill was married to R. B. Henderson on the 12th February 1868
Family Record - Births (page 678)
- Robert Hill was born Decr. 29 1790
- Nancy Hill wife of Robert Hill was born May 18th 1794
- John Brady Hill was born October 31, 1813
- William Hill was born March 17th, 1816
- Mary Ann Hill was born January 13th, 1818
- James Lewis Hill was born Novr. 26th, 1819
- Jane Hill was born Frbry 18th, 1822
- Nancy Leueza Hill was born February 26th 1825
- Robert Irwin Hill was born May 19th 1828 died Aug 30 1890 at Orizala (?), Miss
- Leuiza Nancy Patton Hill was born Sept 22nd 1830
- Margaret Loucretia Hill was born August 9th 1832
- Adam Thomas Gallaway Hill was born February 16th 1835 died May 23rd 1906 at New Waverly, Texas age 71 yrs - 3 - 7 days
- George Patton Hill was born December 2nd 1836 died July 18 [or 28] 1915 Tampa, Fla
- Sarah Elizabeth Angeline Hill was born March 24th, 1840
Family Record - Births/Deaths (page 679)
- James Lewis Hill died at Portersville, Tipton County, the 6 day of May 1868 aged 48 years 5 months and 10 days
- Jane Adkins died Jan. 18th 1887 at Harrisonville Montgomery County, Kansas age 64 years 11 months old 0 days
- Jno Brady Hill died Oct 31 1892 aged 79 years [entry is very faint]
- Sarah E. Angeline Henderson died Nov 23rd (?) 1891 aged 51 years ... [entry is very faint]
- Margaret Lucretia Dickson (Hill) died July 23rd 1901 - at Kerrville (?)
- William Hill father to Robert Hill departed this life on the 5th day of Sept. 1821 in the 65th year of his age in Abbeville District SC
- Nancy Leueza Hill daughter of Robert Hill departed this life on the 11th day of Novr 1826 aged 1 year and 8 month and 13 days in SC
- William Hill Junr departed this life on the 14th Novr 1828 in Montgomery Co, Ala
- James Hill brother to Robert Hill departed this life on the 12th August 1833 in Montgomery Co Ala
Family Record - Deaths continued (page 680)
- Nancy Marlor sister to Robert Hill departed this life August 27th 1833 in Ala
- Jane Brady mother to Nancy Hill, departed this life on the 3rd August 1838 in Abbeville District, S Carolina ['2' in 1828 marked over with '3' and noted underneath as '3']
- William Patton was murdered on the Cumberland Mountain on this 10th day of June 1833, by Bennet Dula aged 41 years 3 months and 8 days
- Thomas P. White, brother-in-law to Robert Hill, died October 30th 1835 in Alabama
- Ann Hill mother of Robert Hill, died Novr 23rd, 1835 in Alabama in her 72nd year
- Mary Ann Rolston daughter of Robert and Nancy Hill, died August 28th 1845. Aged 27 years 7 months and 16 days in Lincoln Co MO
- Loueza N. P. Foster daughter of Robert and Nancy Hill died May 10 1851. Aged 20 years 7 months and 19 days at Portersville, Ten
- Nancy Hill wife of Robert Hill died on the 18th day of January 1858. Aged 63 years and 8 months at Por_______ [probably Portersville]
- James L. Adkins son-in-law to Robert Hill died August 14th 1865
- Adam Hill brother to Robert Hill died May 7th 1865 in his 69 year in Ala
- William Hill son of Robert and Nancy Hill died 8th Octr 1866 aged 50 years 6 months and 22 days in Memphis Tenn
- Robert Hill died at Portersville, Tipton Co Tenn on April 21st 1867 aged 76 years 3 months and 23 days